Supporters Cafe (Copy)

Thank you for continuing to be available to me during the pandemic. It means so much!

Welcome to the Reach Supporters Cafe

This is intended as a place especially for supporters (Partners and Friends) of Reach and Team, where we share an up to date insight into the work that you are making possible. We want it to feel as close as possible to you sitting down and having a cup of coffee with us! Please read on…

The Hope of Breakthrough and the Breakthrough of Hope

by Andy Bond co-ordinator

Just as we were considering the above title for this update, an answerphone enquiry came in and the person literally said….

I really need breakthrough in the light of my deep hurts…

I’m not quite sure what the right word is, possibly gratifying or even humbling, that so many people, who are carrying deep hurts and wounds see Reach as a place of hope for their desired and longed for breakthrough. While, of course, we can’t guarantee these breakthroughs, we do enter into each counselling relationship with a reasonable expectation, faith and hope that this relationship, this Christian therapeutic alliance, could lead to breakthrough and transformation for the individual or couple. All that we do at Reach is about this. Whether it is how we present ourselves on our website, in our buildings, on reception, our logo and strapline ‘for a better life’ and, of course, the quality of counselling through our counselling team. All this is done to offer a reasonable hope of change, and to provide the quality of care and skill that can make this possible.

Thank you for being such a vital part of Reach offering this hope of breakthrough to so many people. At present this happens in the 200-300 appointments that are held each month across our 6 sites and the remote work with clients even further afield. This is to enable those breakthroughs to be achieved, as hope overcomes hurts and many people find ‘ a better life‘. For this we also give God the thanks for His: wisdom, grace and resources.

It must be a ‘hopeful and positive’ sign!

Following our successful 1 in a 1000 appeal for funds to refurbish our Liverpool base and counselling rooms, we are pleased to say that work was completed on redecorating the outside of our Liverpool hub at 85a Allerton Road.  This was mainly achieved due to the generosity of Reach Partners and Friends. Thank you to everyone that made this possible. We have also installed our new sign just above the door, clearly displaying our new logo and strap line ‘Reach Christian Counselling for a better life’  offering the prospect of hope for those who come to us for help. Remarkably, the first passer-by who saw it in place, stopped, looked up, reflected and then said:  ‘Yes, that’s a positive message!’ That was very encouraging feedback for Jeff to hear (who assists with our marketing & fundraising), as he had spent quite a while, up a ladder, getting it in place. We are currently assessing how to redecorate the interior which will prove to be a more difficult venture whilst still remaining open to see clients.

I was feeling emotionally drained, fearful and lacking in faith. My counsellor was compassionate from our first moment of meeting. She listened patiently and I always came away with a sense of hope and of having been understood (former client quote)

The new normal – hybrid working, home and abroad!

Appointments with clients have gradually returned towards being more ‘normal’ as we all ease-up on our covid restrictions. Most of our venues are now open for face-to-face appointments, except Manchester where all counselling is still by phone or video. West Kirby has recently opened again and so joins Liverpool, Chester, Sheffield, and Wrexham where there is a hybrid mix of face-to-face and remote (phone and video) counselling. 

This mix of remote and face to face counselling is now probably about 60% face to face and 40% by phone and video. For some clients the opportunity to see counsellors face-to-face brings greater hope, especially for those dealing with certain presenting issues, most notably those dealing with trauma and marriage issues. However, remote counselling has offered greater convenience for some, and new opportunities for others. This has led to us now working with clients from all over the UK and even some from abroad!

I had such a valuable and healing experience. Thank you! (former client quote)


Naomi Sinclair


Greg Schofield                                                                                                                                   


New additions, and a pioneering spirit!

We were understaffed during the pandemic for several reasons, not the least being health and bereavement issues, so it has been a very challenging time. Alongside this, the number of people asking Reach for counselling is higher than ever. There is though, light at the end of the tunnel! This includes our two new counsellors who have recently started working with us: Greg Schofield is doing 2-3 days a week and Naomi Sinclair 2 days a week. They both join us after having recently qualified, and following successful placements with Reach. With both being in their 30s, they definitely add some evident youthfulness to the team which is great as we look ahead! Greg is a professional musician and worship leader at Frontline Church and Naomi is the manager at Fact Cinema in Liverpool and worships at Liverpool One Church. This takes the present counselling team up to 14.

Once new counsellors join Reach, it is exciting to see how they will develop and where God will lead them, in terms of: areas of client work and their own vision. Phil, who joined us in the last few years after qualifying as a counsellor (at an impressive level7), having retired as a scientist, is now working with us in Liverpool and Wrexham, where he has pioneered the work of Reach in this North Wales town (sorry it is now a city!). We are grateful that Kay has already done the same in Sheffield. Also, Jean who has been with us for a couple of years is moving from North Wales to North Yorkshire and will be our first dedicated remote counsellor, working over video and phone with clients from….wherever they may be!

We are also very pleased to share that Mal (appointments manager) has returned after a very difficult couple of years. She is doing a few hours each week. It is really good to have her back with us.

 My experience with Reach has been wonderful and I am so glad that I have attended counselling,  it has made a lasting impact on my life! (former client quote)

Almost 5,500 clients and now rising daily!

In totalling up all the clients who have come to Reach across all sites since we began, we realised that almost 5,500  people have come to Reach for counselling.  With well over  25,000  counselling  appointments  in  the  last  10  years  alone. That so  many  people  have  seen  Reach  as  a  safe  and  hopeful  place  in  their  times of  trouble is very moving,  and we are very  grateful  to  all the counsellors, team members, partners and friends who have made this  possible.

Over the last 6 months the registration rate for new clients has increased, and for the last few months there has been at least one new client registering every single day. This means that now, every day, there is at least one person somewhere who submits a registration form to Reach with the hope of finding their better life in light of their hurts and struggles.  This is a higher rate than we have  ever had in our history and is both quite challenging, as well as very rewarding!

Our  clients  continue  to  include  people  from  a  very wide  variety  of  backgrounds,  ages  and ethnicities.  Most  of  our clients  in 2021 were between  the  ages  of  21  and  70,  and  again include  a  significant  number  of  married  couples.  What  is  of  note  is  that  since  the worldwide  response  to  the  death  of  George  Floyd  and  the  questions  around  race  and  fair treatment,  we  have  had  an  extraordinarily  high  percentage  of  BAME  (Black  Asian  Minority Ethnic)  couples  seeking  help.  

My counsellor was just brilliant. I felt they had a very clear understanding straight away. They helped me to understand what was going on for me. I now feel I can deal with the problems I am facing much better. Thank you! (former client quote)


Average number of monthly appointments in 2022

    Liverpool – 155     Manchester – 16     West Kirby – 21     Chester – 28           

                                                                                Sheffield – 25     Wrexham – 17

Gifts and plans for the future

For many charities gifts within wills are a very significant part of their funding mix, enabling them to plan for the future. It would be remiss of Reach if we didn’t look to explore how we can encourage Partners and others to consider giving to Reach through their wills. We intend to give you some clearer information about this later this year.

Succession planning is high on the agenda for our Council of Management, as we look to the future and all that might mean. We are keen to have succession conversations and to make succession contacts as part of keeping it high on the agenda. If any of you have had experience in succession planning or thoughts related to the future of Reach, Andy would be happy to hear from you.

My counsellor really understood me and helped with my anxiety, stress and depression. I have come out the other side, thank you so much (former client quote)

… for the hope you offer to those in need

We hope that you have enjoyed reading this update. We hope and pray that God will continue to comfort and encourage us all and the clients Reach serves.

We would like to thank you as a Partner or Friend for your prayerful interest and support for all that Reach is doing. It is always so very encouraging to hear from our Partners and Friends and to receive the generous donations that you make to enable so many hurting people from so many places to find hope and breakthrough.

Reach was so very helpful – providing comfort and hope (former client quote) 

Together every week we are changing lives

Reachfor a better life