6 Keys to Wellbeing

What have your challenges been and how have you been coping?  The last couple of years have been testing for everyone. There is hardly anyone who has not struggled with their mental health in some way or another. Everyone has been affected.

We thought that you might find some help, for yourself or others, in any of the following that are based on five well known keys to wellbeing, and we have added one of our own as well….

Be connected… getting closer to others can lift our mood and help us feel valued. Try communicating using any available channels: by phone, video, text or meeting someone for a walk, or for coffee or dinner. Why not take a few minutes to find out how somebody is?

Keep learning… the importance of stimulating your brain with new information about whatever interests you. This is really valuable to keep your mind active and alert. You may choose to start learning something new today, possibly by researching a new interest on the internet.

Give… of your time, attention, care, resources and thanks. Giving is a generous act which takes us out of ourselves. There can be much pleasure in giving someone a small gift or giving of your time and talents to encourage others, for example many people find great satisfaction through volunteering.

Be active… do whatever physical exercise you can enjoy in order to remain physically healthy. Try a walk, a cycle ride, the gym, an exercise class or a swim. Being outside in the fresh air, greenery and beautiful scenery can be very refreshing whether it is for a walk or playing a sport you enjoy.

Observe… spend time looking at nature, art, the local park or creation in its many forms. This can include drawing, painting, photography, creative writing etc. Careful observation can heighten your awareness, help you to stay in the moment, and help you to feel less anxious and more grateful for the world we live in.

Rest and relax (our own addition)… whatever helps you to slow down and feel calm. That might be a long hot bath or listening to a nice piece of music, reading or having a massage. What are your favourite songs, books, films or recipes that instantly raise your spirits?

Hopefully these may help to give you fresh ideas, or just helpful reminders, so that you may find better ways to care for yourself and to support others.