Brilliant service at an affordable cost.
How is Reach Funded?
Reach has a very distinctive funding mix. Our income is generated almost equally from client donations and supporter donations.
Donations from Clients
Clients contribute by paying a £5 registration fee and then are left to consider giving a fair donation in the light of their own financial situation and in line with our ‘fair donation principle’ which proposes a £1 donation per £1,000 of annual income.
Donations from Partners
The combination of the number of people helped, the quality of care offered and our distinctive Christian service is only possible because of the extra financial support provided by our ‘Partners’ who are individuals and churches who commit to giving regularly, usually monthly, to support Reach’s work to help hurting people. This gives us a reliable financial foundation to work from each month and it allows us to operate our ‘fair donation principle’ which enables us to help anyone in need.
Donations from Friends
We also have a number of ‘Friends’ who are people who are supportive of Reach and may give on an occasional basis.
If you are interested in becoming a Partner or Friend of Reach please click here for more information: Get Involved
Other Donations
A few larger donations also give us some breathing space and enable specific projects to be attended to. Alongside this some smaller specific gifts help maintain our fabric and finance. We are hugely thankful for any donations and gifts which help us to help others.
Thank you to those who started Reach and who keep it going