To Donate
Thank you for donating to Reach and helping to improve lives. We recognise the many requests for your support. You may donate in any of the following ways by clicking on your preferred option below.
Please consider Gift Aiding your donation which can increase its value by 25% (more details are below).
After clicking on the orange ‘Donate’ button below (which takes a few moments to load) please:
- Enter the amount you wish to donate in £s
- Input the reason for your donation by clicking on the arrow in the drop down box to select: registration fee, counselling donation (by venue), or general donation.
- Click on the yellow ‘Donate’ button to use a PayPal account, or click on the white ‘Donate with a Debit or Credit Card’ button to pay with your own card – then follow the instructions.
If needed you can include further details about your donation by clicking on ‘Write a note (optional)’ on page 2
Thank you!
You can make a donation through the post by cheque. Please make cheques payable to ‘Reach Counselling Limited’ and post them to 85a Allerton Road, Liverpool L18 2DA. If you choose to post your Registration Form back to us enclosing a £5 note to pay your Registration Fee this is at your own risk.
You can make a cash donation at Reach, 85a Allerton Road, Liverpool L18 2DA. The office is normally staffed Monday to Friday during the daytime. If posting a donation through the letterbox, please seal it in an envelope stating clearly who it is from and the purpose of the donation.
Please consider including a Gift Aid Form if you are a UK tax payer which enables us to reclaim 25 pence tax for every £1 you donate.
You can download a copy of our Gift Aid Form here: PDF (print and handwrite).
These are the details you will need to pay us by Bank Transfer:
Payable to: Reach Counselling Limited
Lloyds Bank Sort Code: 30-95-11
Account Number: 01653548
Please identify your ‘Payment Reference’ with your Own Name so that we can identify it is from you. You may also wish to email us to confirm your donation date and amount and the reason for your donation.
Email: [email protected]
Thank you.
If you are familiar with online banking you can set up your own regular (perhaps monthly) donation to Reach. These are our bank details for you to do so:
Payable to: Reach Counselling Limited
Lloyds Bank Sort Code: 30-95-11
Account Number: 01653548
Alternatively please complete the following Standing Order Form and send this to your bank. You can download a copy of our Standing Order Form here: PDF (print and handwrite). If you are a UK tax payer, please also send us a Gift Aid Form which can be found at the bottom of this page. We can then claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give.
Please let us know if you are setting up your own regular payment, so that we can identify it. Those who give on a regular basis enable Reach to plan ahead to continue to provide Christian Counselling with professional standards. Thank you!
Please click on this link to find out more about leaving a gift in your will.
If you wish to donate any non-monetary gifts we would be very pleased to hear from you. You may even wish to consider donating stocks, shares or premium bonds. Please call us on 0151 737 2121 to discuss.
Gift Aid: If you wish to donate to Reach and you are a UK tax payer, please send us a completed Gift Aid Form. This will enable us to reclaim 25 pence tax for every £1 you donate which increases the value of your donation by 25%.
You can download a copy of our Gift Aid Form here: PDF (print and handwrite).
I am so grateful Reach was there for me when I couldn’t afford it.