for a better life
Welcome to Reach
Liverpool – Manchester – Chester – West Kirby – Sheffield – Wrexham – Staffordshire & North Shropshire
Our aim is to offer anyone in need the opportunity for a better life through Christian Counselling. Since 1986 we have counselled thousands of clients across the North of England, North Wales, South Yorkshire and beyond on a wide range of personal issues. We regularly help clients struggling with marriage, depression, bereavement, trauma, anxiety and abuse, but whatever your starting point or beliefs our desire is to help you to improve your quality of life.
During the coronavirus pandemic Reach started to counsel clients by phone or video. As a result we can now offer counselling face to face at our venues, or possibly by phone or video wherever you live. However, the type of appointment will be based on the individual agreement between counsellor and counsellee.
We are also pleased to announce from July 2024 that we can offer counselling in Staffordshire and North Shropshire due to a new partnership with Fountains Counselling with 3 counsellors based in Stafford and 1 in Stoke-on-Trent.
We have only been able to help so many people because of the tremendous support of caring individuals or churches. If you would like to support us to enable better lives we would welcome your involvement. Click here for more information Get Involved
Going to Reach was the best thing we ever did. It was a real life changer!